Looking for a community to journey through a complete theological reconstruction with?
Ready to detox religion and streamline your theology to agree with God being good?
Desire clarity and accuracy on exactly how God communicates to your unique design?
Want to be equipped to practically change the world with the Love of God?! 

Keep Reading!


Live on Zoom Tuesday Nights 
7-9pm Central

August 6th 2024 - May 6th 2025

Excluding week long  breaks between subjects and Summer Break!

Replays are available


Just implement what you are learning into your lifestyle

7-8pm Central Small Group Prophetic Activation

One of the most important things we need to develop in life is our personal ability to hear from God!

God is always speaking... but are you confident in HOW you hear Him? 

It's much easier than you think...because God is a good, kind, loving Heavenly Father
Who speaks to us in the way that we can understand.

As part of your SOK Year 1 experience you have the opportunity for a  prophetic coach to be assigned to you who is well equipped to guide you in your personal journey of discerning exactly how YOU receive communication from the heart of God - not just for yourself but for others!

8-9pm Central Community Teaching Hour

(Your SOK Professor will hang out afterwards for live Q&A/Processing)

What will you learn in the community teaching?

Kingdom vs. Religion

What is the Kingdom? How is it different from religion?

Jesus never talked about bringing a religion. He talked in the gospels about the Kingdom. 
The kingdom is like” is the beginning of many statements made by Jesus.

If Jesus is the King of Kings…then that makes us Kings/Queens on earth
What is the process to become a king? 
This is more about mindsets and positioning than any status or power you may have. 

There are people on earth who have status and power, 
but are living their lives like orphans…which is the farthest thing from a 
king because an orphan doesn’t have anyone and therefore has to 
depend solely on themselves.

Righteousness Consciousness

What if I told you that Jesus’ last words on the cross was not Father forsaking Him on the cross, but instead an ancient rabbinical game that Jesus used His last breath to win?

We have to understand the nature of God to understand His heart for us, His children. 
Once we understand that, so many of the scriptures will transform to mean so much more.

The Holy Spirit doesn’t convict a believer of sin…NOPE. 
The Holy Spirit is the bringer of truth and convicts believers of Righteousness. I know this probably goes against everything you’ve heard, but we’ll break down the scripture and show you what Paul is saying.

Does communion ever sound fun? 
I know growing up it was always somber…almost like a funeral…but the way scripture describes the accounts of communion is much more fun…learn to take communion and make it fun.

By the way, we’ll get to why scriptures make God look so angry in the next 5 Week block..

Kingdom Lenses for Scripture

Do the Old Testament and New Testament seem like they have very different Gods?

Many people ask about the law and many of the other things that happened in the OT that seem like God was angry. But in John 1:17 it says: For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 

If grace and truth came through Jesus, 
does that mean they were not in law which was given through Moses? 

We’ll discuss the law and the events leading up to it that will change your view.
Learn how to utilize Jesus as the perfect lens through which we understand scripture

Supernatural Realities

What are Supernatural Realities? 

It’s all the deep questions in life that you think…
But don’t hear discussed…and definitely don’t ask out loud!

What was Jesus doing during the three days between the agony of the cross and His Victorious resurrection? The answer will surprise you!

What is Death?
What's up with Hell?
Can you experience Heaven without dying?

Are you allowed to interact with angels and the cloud of witnesses?
Jesus did it... Does 1st John 4:17 "As He is so are we here in this world" apply here? 

How do we navigate witches, new age and the occult from a Kingdom identity and position?

Influencing Kings

We’re called kings, but some kings/queens have more influence on earth than others. 

So how do we run with those kings and and bring the Kingdom like Daniel or Joseph did in their times? 
They may have been ruled by unbelieving kings, but Daniel and Joseph changed history 
due to their wisdom and ability to hear God. How do we do that now?

Gaining favor with an earthly king is a process and specific skill set that takes 
self-awareness and emotional intelligence
This 5-Week block will go over the tools to develop those things, 
but also how to speak to a king. 

You wouldn’t want to have a chance to influence an earthly king and use christian-ese words that they don’t have any understanding of…

Like telling a pre-believer that God is bringing the winds of change to they way they deliver content. 
You’ll just be dismissed… 
That's why it's important to know how do you deliver a word 
that’s specific but hits that person hard.

This will take you deeper into understanding personalities and 
how people best receive words and how to craft words for them.

Kingdom Reformation

Jesus brought Kingdom Reformation. 

He turned so many things upside down…for instance, 
it was believed that if you touched a leper, that you’d get leprosy. 
Jesus flipped that when He touched the leper and the leper became clean!

Who agrees that the world needs Heavenly solutions? 
Most would agree, but how do we bring change to the world?

This 5 week block is all about how to disrupt society and design culture for the way God intended it. 

Everything God does has a model and learning how to find that 
model and implement it intelligently is what will begin to 
bring a #HolyshiFt to people, culture, and nations

Hear what Alumni have to say about their SOK experience!

Kingdom End Times Masterclass

Are you tired of hearing that the world is going to hell in a handbasket? 
Or that the world is getting worse and worse?

We will bring you hope as you learn about the 4 different views of the end times…and I’m not talking about pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trip, or the infamous pan-trib…it’ll all pan out. 

I’m talking about 4 completely different views of the end times that don’t include a rapture or tribulation!

I was only presented with one when I was in Bible College and 
had to discover that their were other views on my own journey after college.

We also discuss the beast and antichrist...one of those two words never show up in Revelation.

Kingdom Spiritual Warfare Masterclass

How do I war effectively against the kingdom of darkness?
​What’s the best way to protect my eye and ear gates?
​How do I stop living in fear when it comes to spiritual warfare?
​Speaking of Jesus, He was never “warring” in the scriptures…how did He approach spiritual warfare?

This will show you your true authority in the spiritual world, so you no longer have to fear the enemy or what the enemy is doing…you’ll know how to truly walk in authority like Jesus did.

Hear what SoK Alumni have to say about their experience!

Dreams 2:22 Masterclass w/ Jake Bullard

Are you a dreamer?

Do you feel like God is talking to you through your dreams, but you're not sure how to interpret them?

The Bible is full of stories of God talking to people in their dreams and 
I feel like it's something that He's still doing today!

I partnered with my friend Jake who is the best in the Dream Interpretation space.

You'll learn how to not only translate dreams, but interpret 
them to share the heart of God and what He's doing in the world.

This is Live each week and you'll have a chance to participate and ask qestions!


ENDS WED MAY 22nd 11:00pm CT

Price will go up to $3,330 by July 30th!

Get The Full Year For $2,222 Paid In Full
Or Make 12 Monthly Payments Of $222

Just to get them into our system so that all of the back end processes work correctly

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Ends Sun June 30th 11pm

Price will go up to $3,330 July 1st

Get The Full Year For $2,555 Paid In Full
Or Make 11 Payments of $255

Just to get them into our system so that all of the back end processes work correctly


Ends 11pm CST

Price will go up to $3,600

Prepayment Discount!
Get The Full Year For $2,997 
Or Make 10 Payments of $333

Just to get them into our system so that all of the back end processes work correctly


AUG 1st-4th 11pm CT

Get The Full Year For
Paid In Full $3,400 or 9 Monthly Payments of $400

Just to get them into our system so that all of the back end processes work correctly

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Hear what SoK Alumni have to say about their experience!

#throatpunch Religion

Think Kingdom

Transform the World!


For several years Dubb has served as a U.N. liaison with special consultative status, a position he utilizes for the purpose of delivering Heaven's strategies for nations to heads of state around the world. 
He also carries a heart for the Church to capture a practical revelation of The Kingdom. 
In a session with Dubb you can expect to laugh, see The Kingdom in a new light, and walk out excited to engage the world around you. 
When he is not traveling he can be found in Amarilo, TX with his beautiful wife and daughter or online raising up Kingdom Reformers through School of Kingdom.
His book "From the Cult to The Kingdom" is available on Amazon now!
Dr. Tony Robinson is a prolific strategist and advisor with a proven track record in serving and training executives, business leaders, and entrepreneurs in hearing God's voice for prophetic strategies and solutions for their businesses.
Having learned firsthand what it means to "dream another dream" she has successfully built what was once unimaginable, and now passionately teaches and encourages others to achieve their God-sized dream in tandem with Him. 
From start-ups to multimillion-dollar companies, Dr. Tony has mentored and advised faith-based leaders across the globe on how to activate God's assignment over themselves and their organizations. 
Ryan carries a vision for people to discover their identity and occupy their place in the Kingdom. His mission is to see the Kingdom advance as the fulness of authentic five-fold grace is restored in the earth. 
Ryan currently serves in senior leadership at Church of Acts in San Antonio, TX. He’s also the National Director for School of Kingdom, co-founder of House of Many Waters online ministry, and serves the Body of Christ as an itinerate minister. 
When not traveling and ministering the Gospel of The Kingdom to the nations, Ryan, his wife Leslie, and 5 children can be found in the "River City" good old  San Antonio, TX.

School of Kingdom Schedule

Common Q&A

What are the dates for School of Kingdom?
The school runs from Aug 6th, 2024 to May 6th, 2025

What Day of the week are classes?
Every Tuesday...see the calendar above

What time are classes?
7-9 PM  CST 

Are classes in-person?
No...they are only online via zoom.

Is there Homework?
No...there's never homework.

Got Questions? Email them to support@schoolofkingdom.com

Copyright 2022+ School of Kingdom. All rights reserved.