What if I told you that Jesus’ last words on the cross was not Father forsaking Him on the cross,
but instead an ancient rabbinical game that Jesus used His last breath to win?
We have to understand the nature of God to understand His heart for us, His children.
Once we understand that, so many of the scriptures will transform to mean so much more.
The Holy Spirit doesn’t convict a believer of sin…NOPE.
The Holy Spirit is the bringer of truth and convicts believers of Righteousness.
I know this probably goes against everything you’ve heard, but we’ll break down the scripture
and show you what Paul is saying.
Does communion ever sound fun?
I know growing up it was always somber…almost like a funeral…
but the way scripture describes the accounts of communion is much more fun…
learn to take communion and make it fun.
By the way, we’ll get to why scriptures make God look so angry in the next 5 Week block..